Lols... I'm bac 2 post! :D Yeah... Merry X'mas 2 all...
Had a christmas party wif cousins n family 2dae... Zzz...
Knew tat gor is tricking us e moment i saw his look
when he told us 2 open e "present"... In e end... e real
present appeared... Lols... Well... I simply love my present...
Thks gor & jie!!! :D Been crazily doin hw n dramas al e way 4
e past at least 1 week as long as u see me on9... :D
I simply luv dramas... :D Ate delicious food 2dae... Yum yum! :D
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Recently... I started watching a HK drama called ... Seventh Day
It's definitely nice!!! Omg! Kevin Cheng is so handsome & he
is so compatible wif Niki Chow! :D Bosco Wong is oso
ver handsome & cute... :D I watched 8 episodes
juz in 1 dae=yest... Alrite... Updates...
Attended cousin's wedding 4 e whole dae... Went her
hse in e morn but missed e part where she was
being fetched by e groom... Stayed there
4 a vvvvvvvvvv long tym b4 she was
bac 2 offer tea 2 her elders...(including
daddy & mummy)...Went home in e late aftnoon
2 get changed 4 e dinner @ nite... Bathed n decided
2 take a short nap since it was stil early but unable 2 get
myself into dreams... Attended e dinner & went home aft tat...
Sincerely wished e newly-weds happiness & blessings... :D
Stayed @ home as e dinner last nite lasted us til 12+ & we
slept @ 1+ sowoke up a bit ltr tis morn... Hari Raya Haji 2dae
so mummy did nt go 2 work but daay stil went 2 open shop
despite of holi... Haiz...
Went out wif pofu... Intended 2 buy tings @ 1st... But
ended up accompanying pofu 2 buy tings... As 4 me...
I bought some sweets n all 2 giv 2 my darlingS...
Went Seoul 4 lunch & was damn full in e end... :D
Went out wif cousins 2 AMK Hub 2 watch movie
<4>...Quite funny but a bit 'A'...
Lols... Went Ichiban Sushi 2 buy some sushi
& headed bac 2 Yishun & sat on a table of a
voideck 2 enjoy our sushi... :D Went bac
ah ma hse aft tat... Pei san yi go buy fruits aft dinner
& went buy bks aft daddy & mummy came 2 fetch us...
Thurs,11/12/08 & 2dae:
Stayed @ home 2 enjoy my dramas... :D Actually
intended 2 go ah ma hse but tooo lazy 2 wake up
early in e realli nice...
I might juz complete watching tis drama 2dae... :D
It's definitely nice!!! Omg! Kevin Cheng is so handsome & he
is so compatible wif Niki Chow! :D Bosco Wong is oso
ver handsome & cute... :D I watched 8 episodes
juz in 1 dae=yest... Alrite... Updates...
Attended cousin's wedding 4 e whole dae... Went her
hse in e morn but missed e part where she was
being fetched by e groom... Stayed there
4 a vvvvvvvvvv long tym b4 she was
bac 2 offer tea 2 her elders...(including
daddy & mummy)...Went home in e late aftnoon
2 get changed 4 e dinner @ nite... Bathed n decided
2 take a short nap since it was stil early but unable 2 get
myself into dreams... Attended e dinner & went home aft tat...
Sincerely wished e newly-weds happiness & blessings... :D
Stayed @ home as e dinner last nite lasted us til 12+ & we
slept @ 1+ sowoke up a bit ltr tis morn... Hari Raya Haji 2dae
so mummy did nt go 2 work but daay stil went 2 open shop
despite of holi... Haiz...
Went out wif pofu... Intended 2 buy tings @ 1st... But
ended up accompanying pofu 2 buy tings... As 4 me...
I bought some sweets n all 2 giv 2 my darlingS...
Went Seoul 4 lunch & was damn full in e end... :D
Went out wif cousins 2 AMK Hub 2 watch movie
<4>...Quite funny but a bit 'A'...
Lols... Went Ichiban Sushi 2 buy some sushi
& headed bac 2 Yishun & sat on a table of a
voideck 2 enjoy our sushi... :D Went bac
ah ma hse aft tat... Pei san yi go buy fruits aft dinner
& went buy bks aft daddy & mummy came 2 fetch us...
Thurs,11/12/08 & 2dae:
Stayed @ home 2 enjoy my dramas... :D Actually
intended 2 go ah ma hse but tooo lazy 2 wake up
early in e morn...
I might juz complete watching tis drama 2dae... :D
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Oh Yeah! I luv J-Stars! :D Especially 5566 & 183 Club...
Hees... Ok... Updates...
Stayed @ home as usual...Intended 2 go out
@ 1st... but in e end stayed home 2
...Nvr had e bother 2 take dinner
coz my lunch was quite late
tat dae...Went 2 bed @ 7+
I tink & woke up @ 10+ 2 watch got
e "lao digou" e ...
Went 2 bed again @ 11/12+...
E 1st dae of e last month of 2008=Dec! Lols... :)
Well... On tis dae I went out wif po fu,steady,besttie,
lbt,mj & z...w8ted damn long 4 tat "dua pai" mj @ Yishun
MRT...Hehes... po fu noes e reason... :D Went straight 2
AMK Hub instead & met e "dua pai" there... Lols...
Bought e tickets 4&
went 2 PepperLunch 4 our lunch...Went 2 watch
movie aft tat wif drinks & popcorn... Aft movie went 2 shop
then head 2 Cozway Point aft tat n continued shopping
without e 2 boys... Went 2 library aft tat wif po fu n lbt
whereas steady & besttie went Np...
I went out again... Went open shop wif daddy & @ e
meantime... w8 4 mummy 2 knock off frm work
2 buy tings+shopping...
Wed,3/12/08 & Thurs,4/12/08:
Stayed @ home as usual... Doin e same
tings repeatedly w/o fail... ... :D Oh Yeah...
I watched e cont' of Zax Wang & Ji Qin's wedding
picts derh "mu hou hua xu"... sooooooooooo sweet!
Zax is so romantic & 100% tinking 4 his wife all e way... :D
Actually wan pei cousin 2 go 4 a feast but in
e end screwed... Lols... Decided 2 cal po fu
out but she nvr ans e call... Went ah ma hse
instead... :D
Yeah! Watched e last 2 Eps of
... I stil feel tat
Sam Wang & Sonia Sui r vvvvvv compatible...
Lols...Goin 2 watch e last few parts of <不良笑花>...
& oso cont' on my <我的億萬麵包>... :D Goin 2 cousin's
wedding 2moro... Wil giv more details aft 2moro.... :D
I luv 5566! :D
Hees... Ok... Updates...
Stayed @ home as usual...Intended 2 go out
@ 1st... but in e end stayed home 2
...Nvr had e bother 2 take dinner
coz my lunch was quite late
tat dae...Went 2 bed @ 7+
I tink & woke up @ 10+ 2 watch got
e "lao digou" e ...
Went 2 bed again @ 11/12+...
E 1st dae of e last month of 2008=Dec! Lols... :)
Well... On tis dae I went out wif po fu,steady,besttie,
lbt,mj & z...w8ted damn long 4 tat "dua pai" mj @ Yishun
MRT...Hehes... po fu noes e reason... :D Went straight 2
AMK Hub instead & met e "dua pai" there... Lols...
Bought e tickets 4
went 2 PepperLunch 4 our lunch...Went 2 watch
movie aft tat wif drinks & popcorn... Aft movie went 2 shop
then head 2 Cozway Point aft tat n continued shopping
without e 2 boys... Went 2 library aft tat wif po fu n lbt
whereas steady & besttie went Np...
I went out again... Went open shop wif daddy & @ e
meantime... w8 4 mummy 2 knock off frm work
2 buy tings+shopping...
Wed,3/12/08 & Thurs,4/12/08:
Stayed @ home as usual... Doin e same
tings repeatedly w/o fail... ... :D Oh Yeah...
I watched e cont' of Zax Wang & Ji Qin's wedding
picts derh "mu hou hua xu"... sooooooooooo sweet!
Zax is so romantic & 100% tinking 4 his wife all e way... :D
Actually wan pei cousin 2 go 4 a feast but in
e end screwed... Lols... Decided 2 cal po fu
out but she nvr ans e call... Went ah ma hse
instead... :D
Yeah! Watched e last 2 Eps of
Sam Wang & Sonia Sui r vvvvvv compatible...
Lols...Goin 2 watch e last few parts of <不良笑花>...
& oso cont' on my <我的億萬麵包>... :D Goin 2 cousin's
wedding 2moro... Wil giv more details aft 2moro.... :D
I luv 5566! :D
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Yeah... I noe my blog is rusty... Tats y I am
here 2 update... :D Well... Got my results
4 class posting on mon,24/11... 3S1 was wad
I got...Same class wif steady & besttie+mj & zac...
Kns... Not wif po fu they al le... But we r stil good frens...
:D ...Starting 2 update from where I last stop...
Went ah ma hse le I tink... Lols... I cnt remember
Went out 2 xiao yi's hse... Sumptuous dinner...:D
Dun hav e urge of goin out...So might as well stayed @
home... Watched e 45th anniversary show of
Channel 8... & guess wad? I saw soooooooo
many shuai geS...Wooohhhhh... :D
Meet po fu,lbt & steady 2 go 2 sch 2 get results...
Aft tat zai went out wif po fu...
Stayed @ home as usual...
Doin e same tings again... ...
Went out wif po fu & lbt...
Shopping & all...
Went out shopping again...
Tis tym round wif family... Argh...
Walked til my legs r breaking...
Went ah ma hse ...
Cleared a lot of stuffs lik newsppr
tat has been wif me 4 at least half a year...
Lols... :D
Watching <我的億萬麵包> & <不良笑花>!!!
Damn nice derh! :D Yeah!
here 2 update... :D Well... Got my results
4 class posting on mon,24/11... 3S1 was wad
I got...Same class wif steady & besttie+mj & zac...
Kns... Not wif po fu they al le... But we r stil good frens...
:D ...Starting 2 update from where I last stop...
Went ah ma hse le I tink... Lols... I cnt remember
Went out 2 xiao yi's hse... Sumptuous dinner...:D
Dun hav e urge of goin out...So might as well stayed @
home... Watched e 45th anniversary show of
Channel 8... & guess wad? I saw soooooooo
many shuai geS...Wooohhhhh... :D
Meet po fu,lbt & steady 2 go 2 sch 2 get results...
Aft tat zai went out wif po fu...
Stayed @ home as usual...
Doin e same tings again... ...
Went out wif po fu & lbt...
Shopping & all...
Went out shopping again...
Tis tym round wif family... Argh...
Walked til my legs r breaking...
Went ah ma hse ...
Cleared a lot of stuffs lik newsppr
tat has been wif me 4 at least half a year...
Lols... :D
Watching <我的億萬麵包> & <不良笑花>!!!
Damn nice derh! :D Yeah!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Today...I cried again bcoz of a drama...
Went out wif steady,po fu,lbt,mj n zac...
I smuggled e food wastage again...
Hey! Tis time round wif steady... :D
Of coz we hav 2 get rid of those waste...
S$5 per 100grams of wastage...
if u were us... r u willing 2 pay???
Erm... ...Oh Yah! Tis fateful dae...I took
great pains 2 revive my com... read up those
damn guidebooks given by DELL wif no use @ all
...when previously on thurs I was trying 2 revive my
com but failed. :( But...I revived it on tis fateful dae!!!
:D I wont 4get tis dae=15/11,e dae where I
successfully revived my com... Yeah!
Went out wif cousins 2 K @ Woodlands Civic Centre...
quite fun & happy...Went 4 lunch & shopping aft tat...
Went home happily aft tat... :D
Stayed @ home again... actually not bad seh...
slept til I woke up myself without darling's
voice...hehes...took lunch n went on9 2 watch
Did e same ting as yest...But e onli diff is I went on9
ltr than normal as I watched a few eps of
b4 goin on9...
Actually intended 2 wake up & go ah ma's hse then aft tat
go out wif steady,besttie,jw & lbt but unfortunately...
mummy said tat recently I hav been goin out so
forbidded me 2 go out tis time...So sorry 2 them
as I hav promised 2 go but in e end... Will make up
another dae 2 go out wif them... :D
Went out wif steady,po fu,lbt,mj n zac...
I smuggled e food wastage again...
Hey! Tis time round wif steady... :D
Of coz we hav 2 get rid of those waste...
S$5 per 100grams of wastage...
if u were us... r u willing 2 pay???
Erm... ...Oh Yah! Tis fateful dae...I took
great pains 2 revive my com... read up those
damn guidebooks given by DELL wif no use @ all
...when previously on thurs I was trying 2 revive my
com but failed. :( But...I revived it on tis fateful dae!!!
:D I wont 4get tis dae=15/11,e dae where I
successfully revived my com... Yeah!
Went out wif cousins 2 K @ Woodlands Civic Centre...
quite fun & happy...Went 4 lunch & shopping aft tat...
Went home happily aft tat... :D
Stayed @ home again... actually not bad seh...
slept til I woke up myself without darling's
voice...hehes...took lunch n went on9 2 watch
Did e same ting as yest...But e onli diff is I went on9
ltr than normal as I watched a few eps of
b4 goin on9...
Actually intended 2 wake up & go ah ma's hse then aft tat
go out wif steady,besttie,jw & lbt but unfortunately...
mummy said tat recently I hav been goin out so
forbidded me 2 go out tis time...So sorry 2 them
as I hav promised 2 go but in e end... Will make up
another dae 2 go out wif them... :D
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lols... my recent neoprint... ...not bad larh horx?
Watched e last ep of Hot Shot on mon...
hated e ending... feels tat there
will be a continuation 2 it...
God noes? There might be... ...Haiz...
Daddy went overseas for 3 damn daes wif no
calls bac n not bac yet...shld be bac by nw...
I duno...might scold him ltr on?Realised e importance
of him...2 satisfy everyting of me...2 do tis n tat 4 me...
Arghhhhhh!Many many tings... ...I need him...
Without him...JOQY is vv tired...dying... :(
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hot Shot Ep 16=Last Ep is not out
yet... :( I wanna watch! No Hot
Shot @ e meantime... ...So
I went 2 watch
Collector> Ep 1... :)
Slacked @ home...on9=blogging &
watching videos & aft tat went
on watch TV...
Went WWW wif Sr,Sc & J...played
& went crazy e whole dae... :D
Ended up home in pain...
It's damn fun... Will go there
again real soon... :D
Repeating e tings tat I am doin
when I am @ home...
Aunt & cousins came our hse...
Had steamboat 4 dinner...
Toked 2 Po Fu @ nite
again(almost everydae)Hahas
... ...
Waiting 4 Hot Shot Ep 16...
Goin out ltr...So might
watch it 2moro or tues...
Haiz... Can't some1 load it juz 4 me nw?
I luv Hot Shot!
yet... :( I wanna watch! No Hot
Shot @ e meantime... ...So
I went 2 watch
Collector> Ep 1... :)
Slacked @ home...on9=blogging &
watching videos & aft tat went
on watch TV...
Went WWW wif Sr,Sc & J...played
& went crazy e whole dae... :D
Ended up home in pain...
It's damn fun... Will go there
again real soon... :D
Repeating e tings tat I am doin
when I am @ home...
Aunt & cousins came our hse...
Had steamboat 4 dinner...
Toked 2 Po Fu @ nite
again(almost everydae)Hahas
... ...
Waiting 4 Hot Shot Ep 16...
Goin out ltr...So might
watch it 2moro or tues...
Haiz... Can't some1 load it juz 4 me nw?
I luv Hot Shot!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Xiao si wo le... Moz of u saw it! :D Imagine u
had went wif her...Ooooohsss...
Unbelievable... ...Lols...
Damn disgusting derh lor...
Was damn angry juz nw...But
nw...angry+disgusted severely...
Walao! 2dae damn suai derh... Duno
y saw those suai ****S! Who do they tink
they are? Pui! I am dying of laughter bcoz of
e momentS of disgustion... ...Stil dare 2 leave it there?
Dun even have a sense of shame? Wadever...So suai 2dae
2 hav listened 2 those suai ****S ranting lik mad dogs! Or they r
not even dogs!!!
My blogsong is cool!
:D <33333
Xiao si wo le... Moz of u saw it! :D Imagine u
had went wif her...Ooooohsss...
Unbelievable... ...Lols...
Damn disgusting derh lor...
Was damn angry juz nw...But
nw...angry+disgusted severely...
Walao! 2dae damn suai derh... Duno
y saw those suai ****S! Who do they tink
they are? Pui! I am dying of laughter bcoz of
e momentS of disgustion... ...Stil dare 2 leave it there?
Dun even have a sense of shame? Wadever...So suai 2dae
2 hav listened 2 those suai ****S ranting lik mad dogs! Or they r
not even dogs!!!
My blogsong is cool!
:D <33333
Monday, November 3, 2008
Haiz... Rotting... Decomposing Soon...
With E companion of my com...
Updates... ...
Went 2 watch "The Coffin" then aft
tat went 2 eat seoul wif sc,aj,sr,t,hy,zac,
j,mj,g & cf.Some parts of e movie is quite
scary & funny @ times when e ghost appears.
Ananda & his fren is handsome! :D Omg!
Attended cousin's so called e "betrothal gift
day" @ her hse...Lols...tis is e 1st time I
witnessed it as 4 e past few years of
weddings tat I hav attended...
I am always on e groom's side... :D
Sianz... Stayed there til 5+...
nthg 2 do... Mummy would
have stayed there longer
if i have not insisted on goin home.
Yest slept @ 9+ & woke up at ard 11+
& I felt it was a miracle as I hav not
slept 4 so long continuously 4 a
long,long time(bcoz of darling=
alarm clock).A total of 14+ hrs!
Omg! I am becoming my pofu!
Hahas!:D On9 til 6+ 2 watch
Hot Shot Ep 14 & Invincible
Shan Bao Mei... aft tat intended
2 go out but in e end.. stayed @ home
myself 2 watch television... Daddy
packed dinner home 4 me...Toked
2 pofu on e phome aft dinner & bathe
again...Watched a show b4 goin 2 bed.
Woke up @ 11+... ...Watched TV...had
lunch & went on9 again...Blogging &
watching Hot Shot Ep 15 & Invincible
Shan Bao Mei...Ltr goin on 2 watch
100% Entertainment Show by Show &
Alien @ 5pm & Last Ep of 7pm show @
Channel 8... ...
Haiz... 2moro need 2 go back 2 Le Shoppe
2 do stock-checking & all... so sianz...
but no choice...
:D I love HOT SHOT! :D
My blogsong is cool!
With E companion of my com...
Updates... ...
Went 2 watch "The Coffin" then aft
tat went 2 eat seoul wif sc,aj,sr,t,hy,zac,
j,mj,g & cf.Some parts of e movie is quite
scary & funny @ times when e ghost appears.
Ananda & his fren is handsome! :D Omg!
Attended cousin's so called e "betrothal gift
day" @ her hse...Lols...tis is e 1st time I
witnessed it as 4 e past few years of
weddings tat I hav attended...
I am always on e groom's side... :D
Sianz... Stayed there til 5+...
nthg 2 do... Mummy would
have stayed there longer
if i have not insisted on goin home.
Yest slept @ 9+ & woke up at ard 11+
& I felt it was a miracle as I hav not
slept 4 so long continuously 4 a
long,long time(bcoz of darling=
alarm clock).A total of 14+ hrs!
Omg! I am becoming my pofu!
Hahas!:D On9 til 6+ 2 watch
Hot Shot Ep 14 & Invincible
Shan Bao Mei... aft tat intended
2 go out but in e end.. stayed @ home
myself 2 watch television... Daddy
packed dinner home 4 me...Toked
2 pofu on e phome aft dinner & bathe
again...Watched a show b4 goin 2 bed.
Woke up @ 11+... ...Watched TV...had
lunch & went on9 again...Blogging &
watching Hot Shot Ep 15 & Invincible
Shan Bao Mei...Ltr goin on 2 watch
100% Entertainment Show by Show &
Alien @ 5pm & Last Ep of 7pm show @
Channel 8... ...
Haiz... 2moro need 2 go back 2 Le Shoppe
2 do stock-checking & all... so sianz...
but no choice...
:D I love HOT SHOT! :D
My blogsong is cool!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Haiz...Rotting @ home... Hahas...
<放羊的星星> is nice!!! I watched til I
cried...(Its true!) Lols... ver affectionte 1,
& I truly feel 4 it...In fact... I am ver emotional
when I come 2 dramas... cnt be controlled...
I myself duno y oso... Anw... goin 2 continue
my dramas... wil update more maybe 2moro
<放羊的星星> is nice!!! I watched til I
cried...(Its true!) Lols... ver affectionte 1,
& I truly feel 4 it...In fact... I am ver emotional
when I come 2 dramas... cnt be controlled...
I myself duno y oso... Anw... goin 2 continue
my dramas... wil update more maybe 2moro
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Almost slacking everydae... ...
Argh!!! Wad e hell! I dunno spend how many hours
fixing & editing my blogskin! Sianz... Some updates
on my daily life 4 e past few daes... ...
Went 2 sch as usual @ 8.30am 4 thursdaes...
watched e matches between teachers &
students...Meanwhile,june,aj,sr,sc & hy
gave me my b'dae presents(sc & sr bought me
e Fahrenheit "gong zai' while aj,june & hy
bought me show luo's CD)...went 2 pizza hut
wif sr,sc,aj,mj & zac aft sch 2 celebrate my b'dae=:)...
w8ted 4 e dua pais mj & zac 4 a ver long time til we starved
2 duno wad... went 2 e staircase near e movie theatre 2 sing
me a b'dae song & eating of cake & taking picts...
My B'DAE! :D Hahas... lols...slacked & slacked & went out 2
celebrate wif family ard evening... originally we wanted 2 eat
buffet @ hotel but unfortunately...4gotten 2 book b4 tat so
no more places... there4,we went 2 Crystal Jade Kitchen
@ Tampines Mall 4 dinner...Not an enjoyable dinner bcoz
of e food... :(
Janice=cousin... came 2 our hse & spent 1 dae 1 nite 2gether
wif us... hahas... I opened a mini "g-den" yest... won quite a lot
...hehes, e whole dae slacking & watching TV... :D
Went out 2gether wif cousins & aunt... Shopped @ AMK Hub &
aft tat Causeway Point & shopped till our legs r goin 2 break...
Hahs... I bought a watch... quite chio! Reached home @ abt 5+
... was super tired but worth it...Bathe & slacked on my bed 4 a
while aft tat then went on9 & was fixing & editing my new
blogskin(Nice & cute rite?)all e way til juz nw & nw...blogging!
Goin 2 watch Hot Shot ltr!!! :D
fixing & editing my blogskin! Sianz... Some updates
on my daily life 4 e past few daes... ...
Went 2 sch as usual @ 8.30am 4 thursdaes...
watched e matches between teachers &
students...Meanwhile,june,aj,sr,sc & hy
gave me my b'dae presents(sc & sr bought me
e Fahrenheit "gong zai' while aj,june & hy
bought me show luo's CD)...went 2 pizza hut
wif sr,sc,aj,mj & zac aft sch 2 celebrate my b'dae=:)...
w8ted 4 e dua pais mj & zac 4 a ver long time til we starved
2 duno wad... went 2 e staircase near e movie theatre 2 sing
me a b'dae song & eating of cake & taking picts...
My B'DAE! :D Hahas... lols...slacked & slacked & went out 2
celebrate wif family ard evening... originally we wanted 2 eat
buffet @ hotel but unfortunately...4gotten 2 book b4 tat so
no more places... there4,we went 2 Crystal Jade Kitchen
@ Tampines Mall 4 dinner...Not an enjoyable dinner bcoz
of e food... :(
Janice=cousin... came 2 our hse & spent 1 dae 1 nite 2gether
wif us... hahas... I opened a mini "g-den" yest... won quite a lot
...hehes, e whole dae slacking & watching TV... :D
Went out 2gether wif cousins & aunt... Shopped @ AMK Hub &
aft tat Causeway Point & shopped till our legs r goin 2 break...
Hahs... I bought a watch... quite chio! Reached home @ abt 5+
... was super tired but worth it...Bathe & slacked on my bed 4 a
while aft tat then went on9 & was fixing & editing my new
blogskin(Nice & cute rite?)all e way til juz nw & nw...blogging!
Goin 2 watch Hot Shot ltr!!! :D
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Cute horx?My care bears & baby looby was bought
by daddy & mummy years ago(I tink...nt much memory)...
smallest carebear I bought it myself...medium size
carebear was bought by mj as my b'dae present...
& largest carebear was bought by cousin!!
I luv it!! They r so cute!
Placed beside my bed everydae...
hahas...Darling always like 2 play wif it!
不是我要讲你leh... But saikang...u realli "pa jiao" lorx!
Ur eyes r born on ur butts izit?Omg...even if it is
born on ur cnt be so bad bah?I
dunno wad 2 sae...but ur taste hor
...realli nothing 2 sae lorx!
Aft hearing abt tat ting... I realli
feel u "pa jiao" lor!Ok lah...Once ur fren,
so dun wan 2 sae u bcoz...a chinese proverb saes...
"情人眼里出西施"! Haiz...lastly I wan 2 remind u...dun
put 2 much feelings into it...
Aiya...dun wanna tok abt u liao...
Yeah...5 more daes of counting down!!
I wanna see my steady will "duo me yong xin"...
LOLS...dun be stressed...jkjk...hehes...Gonna see soon.
Ok...steady was rite...tat bitch=****!Y so kpo?U tink u
Nobody 2 follow so follow us...u tink we lik u?Dun "痴心妄想" ks?
白痴!U tink I am kidding? U try it...Hahs
e truth is...WE HECK CARE U!U r lik a
dog k...everywhere we go,u will u wad...
e onli ting u dun dare is...
Goin 2 my dramas' world!Wil stop here 4 nw!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
YAY!!!Finally exam-free!So sianz...aft so many daes...
So happy 2dae!went out,aj-one &
onli po fu,J-LBT,T & SR-bestties...Went
crazy throughout...& another happy
ting is...I received an advanced
b'dae present...guess wad it
is?Its... ... a CAREBEAR!!!
OMG!Given 2 me by my cousin
& his gf...yeah! I am so happy!Goin
2 take picts of my carebear & post it soon!
I luv carebears & dramas...Finally e exams r over
...Goin 2 chiong my dramas again...watched ver little
duringe exam period...Oh yeah!...I am so happy 2dae!!!
Yipee!I LUV IT!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Hahas...most of u noe wad I mean...its... ...
E last dae of exam!!!Yipee!Well,I felt tat
most of e pprs were ok except 4 geog.
My geog sux tis time ks?(I mean
not bad @ other times)...
Ks...suan le...tis time
realli ver slack in
studies=study onli @ nights
4 a while b4 slping & in e mornings
during assembly... ...
Wadever... ...Any1 watched e Korean drama
=Golden Bride?Hmm... watched e ending on sat
=so sad @ 1st but not bad in end... ...Hahas...overall...
tis drama hen hao kan nor...e coupleS ver cute... ... ♥♥♥
♥ :)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Haiz... ...Why r u al so irritating?Can make me one dae
dun scold u al anot?(Referring 2 some of e bitches
in e world)In particularly...____ ___!
To tat person:
Aiya...Tel u something lah...U tink u r ver pretty/
clever/"pro"/super/good/"chao ji wu di"/best?
U tink everybodylik u?WO PUI!!!
& Excuse me...4 ur info... ... U
r ugly/freaky/disgusting/
stupid!!!Hahas... ...
I bet u will nvr notice
or knew it urself!
U r not even a bitch/a piece of shit/****/person!
Wad hav I done 4 me 2 noe u?OMG!Pls lah...refrain urself a bit
& GOD noes... least u wont be so irritating... ...Dun sae I nvr warn u
Tis is oredi a warning 2 u liao...if not u dun hav frenz liao(Aiya...actually u no
frenz le oso jia jia treat u as fren onli lah... ...)
Heck care liao le...Tat person dun understand I oso boh bianz...
Wad do u expect me 2 do?Dun sae I nvr help u...Warning
u is a way i help liaoz...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
So sian... 3 more daes 2 EOY... Wish me good luck bah...
Dunno wat 2 post... Had a happy dae wif e kids=
siblings,cousins & of coz... darlings!Hahs...
they were so cute!I duno how 2 sae
_when they were playing e cars!
Waked up at abt 7+ 2dae so
around 12+ goin 2 1,
went home wif
mummy,mei & darling,
bathe & slept 4 around 2 hours
& woke up by mummy scolding mei...
slacked on e bed 4 awhile & went out 2
watch dramas(Green Forest,My Home &
Golden Path), had dinner & went on 2 do art,
reading log as well as blogging & watching dramas!
OMG...Hot Shot rox!!! Show Lo is damn cute!I luv him!
Of coz... as well as Wu Zun & Jerry Yan!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
KNS!Realli dun wan 2 anger myself but bcoz of 1 ___k__g __t_h... ...
Who do u tink u r?无法抵挡的绝世大(美/帅)的人ah?Who do u tink
I am?I tel u...Dun tink everybody liks u but in e fact...everybody
hates u(including me)!I dun care if u read tis post OR
NOT!Wadeva... u realli sux k!U juz hav 2 ask ard
& u wil noe whether I am teling e truth!
U r so disgusting,BHB,annoying,irritating & wadeva *words* any1
can tink of!U tink u wat?Stop kbkb-ing...I realli wan 2 vent out
al my anger in tis post... but tis is not enough...I hav had
enough of u liao k...juz u wait if u "惹" me again!
If u hav a complaint against al means...go ahead!I DUN CARE!
I am toking e truth!I hav a LARGE grp of supporters!Wat do u
hav?Anyting against me?Not even a piece of shit k?
U r being childish & stupid 2 go against me k?U hav nthg 2 gain BUT
ther r lots 4 u 2 lose 4 goin against me!!!U hav better stop it
or not onli u would nt noe,I myself would oso nvr noe wat
I am goin 2 do!Dun tink I lik u OR even LUV(yucky) u
juz bcoz I tok 2 u!OMG!if u can...(wat __ taught me
4 u: juz f*off!)Wouldnt wan 2 see u again...
4 u: juz f*off!)Wouldnt wan 2 see u again...
Goin 2 treat u as air k?
HEY PPL!I noe ppl lik LBT & AJ would sae tat I am being vulgar but I dun
tink so when I am scolding tis person!In fact,I feel tat I am 2 kind/
仁慈 k?I shld hav vented out my anger a long long time ago
but foolish 2 tink of not hurrting ppl so try my best
not 2 do anyting BUT I REALLI CNT
Dun wan 2 anger myself liao...ending le...most of u noe wat I am
goin 2 do nxt... ...DRAMAS...2 make me happy again! I am
goin 2 make myself happy...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
So sian!!!Last day of holiday liao...
Nvm...Hahs...AJ finally regretted
nt watching <命中注定我爱你>
& started 2 watch it nw @SCV
Channel 56...U noe Ethan
is handsome le bah...
& I tel u...he is nt pure
handsome ks?!?!
OMG...Continued with my
dramas when I hav nt
completed my "holy"
Damn angry & damn disgusting...
U would nt noe...
Wadeva...Dun 1 2 anger myself.
Watching HOT SHOT<篮球火>...
Another NICE drama!
Ppl sae I hav always been blogging abt dramas...
Well...Tat is my Top No. 1 interest & wat I
do everydae...part & parcel of my life
Without dramas...I wonder wat
is gonna become of me!
Do u noe?It is
surely not me if I sae I hav stopped
watching dramas... ...
Lastly,nt boasting,dramas recommended by me
are definitely nice... ...Believe me & u will
realise tat u hav benefit alot!
Hehe... ...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
OMG!I'm realli goin crazy!Out of e blue,I received 2 prank calls
in an hour!!!There might be more afterwards!Realli cnt
stand it... ...Tis is wat happened... ...
E 1st prank call:
(Caller)-Hello,may I speak 2 ms isabella pls?
[I was tinking...wth,who is tis idiotic isabella
but aft tinking tat he might dial e wrong no.]
(Me)-Sorry,wrong no.Wth...I shouldnt
hav sae sorry... ...Nvm,I heck cared &
continued watching my dramas.
An hour ltr...E 2nd prank call:
(Caller)-Hello,sorry 4 e interuption but I am Terence frm
a word wif u...I ignored
him & listened 2 wat he is goin 2 sae
and in e end,e guy hung up.
I was ver angry & called my stead 2 complain... ...
so sui... duno wat happened tis few daes.
Dun 1 2 continue abt tat... ...hahas...
it's story time... ...Yest, my
fren told me a ver funny
ting... ...
While on e bus,my frens saw somebody(nt
attractive & disgusting)used hp 2 take
picts of _u noe lah_self take
personal picts.They r
Super e xin!
I heard frm my fren & started 2 tink ...
OMG!It's totally unbelievable!
I'm fainting!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Back 2 posting!!!U noe wat... Busy watching dramas again.
Finished watching e last episode of <命中注定我爱你>!
纪存希(Ethan Ruan) is super handsome k!Hahas,
will re-watch it soon!
Last Saturday, I watched <爱情两好三坏> last ep...
Tony Sun's selfless love... OMG!Today, watched
FullHouse & cried when I watched both
dramas... so touching!
Am I too emotional?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Nice?Hahas!Done & bought by urs truly & tats me!!!
Today went 2 sell e GEL-ART tingy @ Nee Soon
South CCC called PassionARTE.Becoz of
e product or rather e gel,I am being
scalded duno how many times!
Tough tiring,it is quite fun
& I hav e accompany
of my frenz-
Jia Wen,Szer Chyi,Ai Jing & Wimi.
<命中注定我爱你> definitely rox!I am waiting 4
e last EP!Oh... ...Ethan Ruan & Joe Chen
... ...its nice!
E upcoming week is all tests,tests & more TESTS!
So Sian...How I wished there were not so
much tests e coming week!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Super, extremest funny!Wadever words I can tink of!Haha!
Listened 2 ZS new creation!Super shiok I can tel u!If u
wanna hear,u can approach me!Hehe!
Disgusted!!!____ is so disgusting!I used wat HE told
me abt ____:cal her 2 F.O.!Yeah,U r rite!____
should & would do so 1 dae but it is
juz tat WE cnt stand it anymore!
4ever liked 2 copy someting abt others if u noticed...
as if wanna noe everyting tat is goin 2 happen/
happening in e world...attitude sux
& F*...U duno ____ if u
dun tink so as me!!!
Many would agree if u noe it!
Try 2 fill in e blanks urself!
U dun noe...U might
nt be correct...
KNS!___ totally sux & wadever 'those'
words u can use!
Wadever...Goin 2 watch my 纪存希& 陈欣怡!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Yay!More dramas coming up!Haha!<命中注定我爱你> rox!
I luv it man!OMG!Cnt stand somebody or bodies...
wadever...Its simply disgusting!Yucky!
Cnt stand it!
I dun care... Juz wanna be focused on dramas!
I luv dramas!I ned dramas!I cnt live without
I dun wan those wadever ppl tat makes me
disgusted, puke & pissed!Can't they juz
go away?
... ...
Blessed wif dramas @ tis point!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
E Me Yest:
Angry wif myself!All e way til evening, I was happy,
attended a course @ Le Shoppe- Gel Art tingy, made a
product BUT @ nite,I accidentally dropped it and e
cup is made of glass n wat happens nxt?It broke!
I spent quite a lot of time doing it.
E Me 2dae:
Tot abt it, it is my own fault.Decided 2 do e gel art tingy
again when I hav e time as I hav all e materials except
e gel.Quite happy 2dae,re-watched a few dramas.
E MOST happiest ting 2dae is 2 find out tat
actually Fated To Love You(命中注定我爱你)
hav 23 episodes & it is goin 2 be aired
in SCV Channel 56!!!Yay!I wish 2
hav more dramas 2 fill me up!!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Half pissed & half happy 2dae!!!Other than me,SC noes it best.
Tried 2 help but treated as a bad person in e end!Oh,watever,
I dun care.Had a crazy dae yesterdae,lots of fun & laughter
wif SC & HY & all.Haha...listened 2 e "Hokkien" song
(u would noe it if u hav heard it & laugh non-stop
upon hearing it!!!)Sent e song 2 MJ 2dae but had
4gotten 2 send 2 LBT!So sick of them 2 hear
e song continuously... ...
Haha...Happy becoz some1 vented my anger 4 me & oso some1
let me vent my anger on!!!Thks a lot 2 e ppl. =)
But I got angry becoz of somebody but I would not sae it out
since it is all over.
STOP toking abt *** in front of me ks?I dun 1 2 hear anyting
abt him OR watever.JUZ simply STOP it!!!
-U noe who u r.
Watever,dun wan 2 tok abt tis anymore...
Noting else more 4 2dae...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Projects,projects,projects... ...Filled with projects-English,History
& 1 Le Shoppe tingy watever project approaching!!!OMG!
Caused me 2 hav no time to watch my DRAMAS!!!
I muz make it up this sat!(This is wat I promised
myself in return 4 those lost times.
So 丢脸 2dae!AJ & HY shouted ***'s name in front of him!
I was so embarassed & LET me REPEAT myself e
last time I nvr ever sae I like him!!!
Haha... ZS sang a prank song 2dae tat made me laughed
e whole dae & smiled when I tot of it myself.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Quite pissed off today.Someone out of e blue told me
tat 2dae is ***'s b'dae.I was like ... so what? Who
cares?It is none of my business rite?We see
each other as strangers now & I dislike him
k.He is like wat... OMG!Dunn wan 2 cont'
toking abt HIM!These 2 daes keep
hearing some1 shameless(who
dunn even noe it personally)
2 her Darling.
I laughed non-stop when I saw it & I could
not believe it.I felt lik telling her...
(please lah,look @ urself & tink
abt whether he likes u)
But I cnt bring myself 2 do it.
All I could sae is its simply
disgusting!!!Szer Chyi
would definitely noe
what I am toking abt.
Hahas!Had a crazy
day yesterdae!
Can some1 who noes who I am toking abt hav e
dare 2 tell tat person e painful truth???
I am waiting... ...
(MAYBE her Darling is e best choice!?!?)
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Am I crazy?I dunno... ...
Wat happened 2 me these few days?Am I
dreaming OR am I crazy?I dunno.Since
e start of tis week,I dunno wat I am
doing at times.I dunn even realise
that til I make errors without
knowing it myself.But I
am very certain that
all these happenings
are due 2 my tiredness.
OMG!I muz be mad.I sacrificed
my slp yest 4 a stupid hw but
in e end,I was told 2 hand in 2moro
coz many of them hav not
completed their work.
In tis case,I would rather sacrifice
my sleep on my dramas than hw
& maybe it is more worth it.
Not enough slp 4 a very long time le
... ... end here barh.Nites guys!
[Fated To Love You is SUPER NICE lor.
Watch it & u will luv it! :) Believe tis
drama luver & u wil benefit with
endless NICE dramas!Enjoy!]
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Anyway... ... Busy watching dramas again.
Well,a few hours ago,I went out with my
family 4 dinner @ Causeway Point
with my aunts & cousins.Went 2
shop & stop @ Kiddy Palace,
at 1st intended to buy some
toys 4 DarlingS but realised
mummy 4got 2 bring
along e membership
card.No choice so
never buy anyting in
e end.Haha!
Being able to meet 2gether
is oredi a great joy 2 me!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
I came across a video while searching videos
abt 5566.This video is about the frenship
between 2 person:5566 band leader
Tony Sun & member Sam Wang.
Well... it is really very touching
and funny(with e antics from
Tony & Sam).Also with e
music sang by Fan Fan
& Angela Zhang.
The video displays e strong frenship OR u
could say brotherly luv Tony & Sam
shared.Haha!It is really hard to
find a true fren nowadays!
Interested in watching e video:
Haha!Another Video-Tony catching & kissing a snake:
Friday, June 20, 2008
Finally Back!!!
OMG!Missed my com 4 2 whole weeks due 2 breakdown!
I am finally back 2 post!So sad!Wat I missed most is
actually e dramas awaiting me!Hahax!Watever...
Busy with holiday hw lately(incomplete up till
now) :)But its ok as most of it are done!
This holiday was not well spent!
I did no feel any enjoyness in
it!Dunno wat had happened!
Can any1 save me?
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