Yeah... I noe my blog is rusty... Tats y I am
here 2 update... :D Well... Got my results
4 class posting on mon,24/11... 3S1 was wad
I got...Same class wif steady & besttie+mj & zac...
Kns... Not wif po fu they al le... But we r stil good frens...
:D ...Starting 2 update from where I last stop...
Went ah ma hse le I tink... Lols... I cnt remember
Went out 2 xiao yi's hse... Sumptuous dinner...:D
Dun hav e urge of goin out...So might as well stayed @
home... Watched e 45th anniversary show of
Channel 8... & guess wad? I saw soooooooo
many shuai geS...Wooohhhhh... :D
Meet po fu,lbt & steady 2 go 2 sch 2 get results...
Aft tat zai went out wif po fu...
Stayed @ home as usual...
Doin e same tings again... ...
Went out wif po fu & lbt...
Shopping & all...
Went out shopping again...
Tis tym round wif family... Argh...
Walked til my legs r breaking...
Went ah ma hse ...
Cleared a lot of stuffs lik newsppr
tat has been wif me 4 at least half a year...
Lols... :D
Watching <我的億萬麵包> & <不良笑花>!!!
Damn nice derh! :D Yeah!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Today...I cried again bcoz of a drama...
Went out wif steady,po fu,lbt,mj n zac...
I smuggled e food wastage again...
Hey! Tis time round wif steady... :D
Of coz we hav 2 get rid of those waste...
S$5 per 100grams of wastage...
if u were us... r u willing 2 pay???
Erm... ...Oh Yah! Tis fateful dae...I took
great pains 2 revive my com... read up those
damn guidebooks given by DELL wif no use @ all
...when previously on thurs I was trying 2 revive my
com but failed. :( But...I revived it on tis fateful dae!!!
:D I wont 4get tis dae=15/11,e dae where I
successfully revived my com... Yeah!
Went out wif cousins 2 K @ Woodlands Civic Centre...
quite fun & happy...Went 4 lunch & shopping aft tat...
Went home happily aft tat... :D
Stayed @ home again... actually not bad seh...
slept til I woke up myself without darling's
voice...hehes...took lunch n went on9 2 watch
Did e same ting as yest...But e onli diff is I went on9
ltr than normal as I watched a few eps of
b4 goin on9...
Actually intended 2 wake up & go ah ma's hse then aft tat
go out wif steady,besttie,jw & lbt but unfortunately...
mummy said tat recently I hav been goin out so
forbidded me 2 go out tis time...So sorry 2 them
as I hav promised 2 go but in e end... Will make up
another dae 2 go out wif them... :D
Went out wif steady,po fu,lbt,mj n zac...
I smuggled e food wastage again...
Hey! Tis time round wif steady... :D
Of coz we hav 2 get rid of those waste...
S$5 per 100grams of wastage...
if u were us... r u willing 2 pay???
Erm... ...Oh Yah! Tis fateful dae...I took
great pains 2 revive my com... read up those
damn guidebooks given by DELL wif no use @ all
...when previously on thurs I was trying 2 revive my
com but failed. :( But...I revived it on tis fateful dae!!!
:D I wont 4get tis dae=15/11,e dae where I
successfully revived my com... Yeah!
Went out wif cousins 2 K @ Woodlands Civic Centre...
quite fun & happy...Went 4 lunch & shopping aft tat...
Went home happily aft tat... :D
Stayed @ home again... actually not bad seh...
slept til I woke up myself without darling's
voice...hehes...took lunch n went on9 2 watch
Did e same ting as yest...But e onli diff is I went on9
ltr than normal as I watched a few eps of
b4 goin on9...
Actually intended 2 wake up & go ah ma's hse then aft tat
go out wif steady,besttie,jw & lbt but unfortunately...
mummy said tat recently I hav been goin out so
forbidded me 2 go out tis time...So sorry 2 them
as I hav promised 2 go but in e end... Will make up
another dae 2 go out wif them... :D
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lols... my recent neoprint... ...not bad larh horx?
Watched e last ep of Hot Shot on mon...
hated e ending... feels tat there
will be a continuation 2 it...
God noes? There might be... ...Haiz...
Daddy went overseas for 3 damn daes wif no
calls bac n not bac yet...shld be bac by nw...
I duno...might scold him ltr on?Realised e importance
of him...2 satisfy everyting of me...2 do tis n tat 4 me...
Arghhhhhh!Many many tings... ...I need him...
Without him...JOQY is vv tired...dying... :(
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Hot Shot Ep 16=Last Ep is not out
yet... :( I wanna watch! No Hot
Shot @ e meantime... ...So
I went 2 watch
Collector> Ep 1... :)
Slacked @ home...on9=blogging &
watching videos & aft tat went
on watch TV...
Went WWW wif Sr,Sc & J...played
& went crazy e whole dae... :D
Ended up home in pain...
It's damn fun... Will go there
again real soon... :D
Repeating e tings tat I am doin
when I am @ home...
Aunt & cousins came our hse...
Had steamboat 4 dinner...
Toked 2 Po Fu @ nite
again(almost everydae)Hahas
... ...
Waiting 4 Hot Shot Ep 16...
Goin out ltr...So might
watch it 2moro or tues...
Haiz... Can't some1 load it juz 4 me nw?
I luv Hot Shot!
yet... :( I wanna watch! No Hot
Shot @ e meantime... ...So
I went 2 watch
Collector> Ep 1... :)
Slacked @ home...on9=blogging &
watching videos & aft tat went
on watch TV...
Went WWW wif Sr,Sc & J...played
& went crazy e whole dae... :D
Ended up home in pain...
It's damn fun... Will go there
again real soon... :D
Repeating e tings tat I am doin
when I am @ home...
Aunt & cousins came our hse...
Had steamboat 4 dinner...
Toked 2 Po Fu @ nite
again(almost everydae)Hahas
... ...
Waiting 4 Hot Shot Ep 16...
Goin out ltr...So might
watch it 2moro or tues...
Haiz... Can't some1 load it juz 4 me nw?
I luv Hot Shot!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Xiao si wo le... Moz of u saw it! :D Imagine u
had went wif her...Ooooohsss...
Unbelievable... ...Lols...
Damn disgusting derh lor...
Was damn angry juz nw...But
nw...angry+disgusted severely...
Walao! 2dae damn suai derh... Duno
y saw those suai ****S! Who do they tink
they are? Pui! I am dying of laughter bcoz of
e momentS of disgustion... ...Stil dare 2 leave it there?
Dun even have a sense of shame? Wadever...So suai 2dae
2 hav listened 2 those suai ****S ranting lik mad dogs! Or they r
not even dogs!!!
My blogsong is cool!
:D <33333
Xiao si wo le... Moz of u saw it! :D Imagine u
had went wif her...Ooooohsss...
Unbelievable... ...Lols...
Damn disgusting derh lor...
Was damn angry juz nw...But
nw...angry+disgusted severely...
Walao! 2dae damn suai derh... Duno
y saw those suai ****S! Who do they tink
they are? Pui! I am dying of laughter bcoz of
e momentS of disgustion... ...Stil dare 2 leave it there?
Dun even have a sense of shame? Wadever...So suai 2dae
2 hav listened 2 those suai ****S ranting lik mad dogs! Or they r
not even dogs!!!
My blogsong is cool!
:D <33333
Monday, November 3, 2008
Haiz... Rotting... Decomposing Soon...
With E companion of my com...
Updates... ...
Went 2 watch "The Coffin" then aft
tat went 2 eat seoul wif sc,aj,sr,t,hy,zac,
j,mj,g & cf.Some parts of e movie is quite
scary & funny @ times when e ghost appears.
Ananda & his fren is handsome! :D Omg!
Attended cousin's so called e "betrothal gift
day" @ her hse...Lols...tis is e 1st time I
witnessed it as 4 e past few years of
weddings tat I hav attended...
I am always on e groom's side... :D
Sianz... Stayed there til 5+...
nthg 2 do... Mummy would
have stayed there longer
if i have not insisted on goin home.
Yest slept @ 9+ & woke up at ard 11+
& I felt it was a miracle as I hav not
slept 4 so long continuously 4 a
long,long time(bcoz of darling=
alarm clock).A total of 14+ hrs!
Omg! I am becoming my pofu!
Hahas!:D On9 til 6+ 2 watch
Hot Shot Ep 14 & Invincible
Shan Bao Mei... aft tat intended
2 go out but in e end.. stayed @ home
myself 2 watch television... Daddy
packed dinner home 4 me...Toked
2 pofu on e phome aft dinner & bathe
again...Watched a show b4 goin 2 bed.
Woke up @ 11+... ...Watched TV...had
lunch & went on9 again...Blogging &
watching Hot Shot Ep 15 & Invincible
Shan Bao Mei...Ltr goin on 2 watch
100% Entertainment Show by Show &
Alien @ 5pm & Last Ep of 7pm show @
Channel 8... ...
Haiz... 2moro need 2 go back 2 Le Shoppe
2 do stock-checking & all... so sianz...
but no choice...
:D I love HOT SHOT! :D
My blogsong is cool!
With E companion of my com...
Updates... ...
Went 2 watch "The Coffin" then aft
tat went 2 eat seoul wif sc,aj,sr,t,hy,zac,
j,mj,g & cf.Some parts of e movie is quite
scary & funny @ times when e ghost appears.
Ananda & his fren is handsome! :D Omg!
Attended cousin's so called e "betrothal gift
day" @ her hse...Lols...tis is e 1st time I
witnessed it as 4 e past few years of
weddings tat I hav attended...
I am always on e groom's side... :D
Sianz... Stayed there til 5+...
nthg 2 do... Mummy would
have stayed there longer
if i have not insisted on goin home.
Yest slept @ 9+ & woke up at ard 11+
& I felt it was a miracle as I hav not
slept 4 so long continuously 4 a
long,long time(bcoz of darling=
alarm clock).A total of 14+ hrs!
Omg! I am becoming my pofu!
Hahas!:D On9 til 6+ 2 watch
Hot Shot Ep 14 & Invincible
Shan Bao Mei... aft tat intended
2 go out but in e end.. stayed @ home
myself 2 watch television... Daddy
packed dinner home 4 me...Toked
2 pofu on e phome aft dinner & bathe
again...Watched a show b4 goin 2 bed.
Woke up @ 11+... ...Watched TV...had
lunch & went on9 again...Blogging &
watching Hot Shot Ep 15 & Invincible
Shan Bao Mei...Ltr goin on 2 watch
100% Entertainment Show by Show &
Alien @ 5pm & Last Ep of 7pm show @
Channel 8... ...
Haiz... 2moro need 2 go back 2 Le Shoppe
2 do stock-checking & all... so sianz...
but no choice...
:D I love HOT SHOT! :D
My blogsong is cool!
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