Sunday, November 15, 2009

I'm finally back on posting??? Lols...
Awwwwhhhhh... Was damn lazy
to post... Haiz... It had been
weeks ever since I last touched
on blogging due to my laziness...
Simplicity... You could say I cutted
off my communication line with
the outside world except my family
(whom I face everyday), dramas
(where I watch on the TV & whenever
I touch my comp), classmates(2 weeks
of extra curriculum and nthg more
till next year)... Hmmm... that
should be all... But honestly I don't
feel that it is a bad thing... At least
you won't be bothered with those
things that you can't be bothered with
or don't want to be bothered with...
Don't you think so? I suddenly felt
so lost... I have lost confidence in my
relationship circle... I told myself:
'1 year! Just 1 more year! You can do it!
You must'nt give up! Who are you? JOQY!
Don't ppl think that you are invincible
such that you can handle everything
and be immune to feelings? You can't fall
in front of those who are awaiting your fall!
The year would pass even faster than now!
YOU CAN DO IT! You don't really need
them do you? They don't need you at all
or anymore! Give up! Just like you
have done it before!' I always have
a habit... Before I start posting each time...
I would start by reading blogs of people
whom I am close with... I did the same
as for today... But I regretted it... I
shld'nt have done that... In that case...
I would not have to know the
painful truth! Out of the sudden...
I really had the urge to cry! But I
did not and would not do so! To
others... I am strong and could handle
everything... Similarly... I can do
it this time round... You guys thought that
I knew nothing and continued on with your
craps... Well... I would just say I played
along with all of you so as to maintain
our "___ship" as it is... I had never thought
of exposing all of you! But I really couldn't
bear with it anymore! I want to stop the ship!
I don't mind myself getting down the ship
in the middle of the deep blue sea and
swimming back to the harbour myself in
search of my other ships to hop on...
But why didn't I do so? This is because I
cherish and treasure the ship that I have
built up myself... In the end... none
understand the hardship and
torment I went through but instead...
tried means and ways to separate the
ship, spoil the ship, destroy the ship
due to unnecessary gossips and
people coming out all of a sudden...
This time round... I'm bent on leaving the ship
if things goes on as it is... I can't
do much anymore... I really can't seriously...
I'm sick and tired of those... I don't think I
can go on  anymore... Well... I just want to
say that I know what have been going on all
along the way but I chose to keep quiet but
none appreciated it... Once again... I am
going to cut off all ties I have with all of you...

If the ship can really be broken off so easily, it can't be a ship anymore...

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